Given the speed at which business models are being disrupted, the word disruption has become synonymous with change, innovation and growth…a catalyst that opens the doors of exponential transformation often based on the principle of digitisation.
Hot topics of late in the retail management industry are EXPERIENTIAL SHOPPING MALLS, CUSTOMER JOURNEYS and the unknown FOURTH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION. All, however, have been seemingly aspirational statements made in board meetings and attempted strategies that have seen companies introducing ad hoc technology in an attempt to “lead the race”.
Have you ever sat around a dinner table and had a conversation about parking? What you quickly realise, is that parking is definitely a grudge purchase. As the conversation progresses you may even discover that certain people will go out of their way to “get out of paying” with a sense of victory at beating the system.
The traditional parking management model is broken. There. I said it. And why do I think it’s broken? Well, because parking, as a product and as an industry in South Africa, has not kept abreast of the latest trends in technology.
The world is moving forward, and the parking industry is still one step behind. In a world of instant access and smart applications, “mobility” has become a keyword. The parking environment has to evolve to become more mobile-friendly with a focus on the user-experience and data-based insights.
Your parking report is a wealth of information. Isn’t it? Sometimes the information we need to make better decisions is right in front of us, but we are simply not interrogating the information correctly to extract the valuable insights.